who we are...

We are engineering contractors and consultants. we specialize in construction projects, engineering consultancy and design and build contracts. TAWZ Engineering Services Ltd aims to at all times maintain the upmost  levels of service for the customers and strives to place itself at the forefront of engineering contractor and consultancy services within the construction industry.

T H E   S T R O N G E S T   K N O W L E D G E

4 main reasons you should do business with us

We value your interests
The interests of the customers comes first, then we may advice as we deem necessary. We can only advice, but the decision is made by you. We will therefore not carry out any works outside the contractual agreements.

We have the experience for the works
We have qualified professionals academically and experience-wise to handle your construction needs.

We are always improving
We use the best of the latest tools and technology available at the time of project execution to ensure that the projects are delivered on time, while paying attention to details, ensuring that everything is done according to the project drawings and specifications.

We deal with integrity
Honesty and integrity comes first in all our transactions. We labour to ensure that everything is done in line with statutory regulations and engineering working ethics